

Certified STROKE Personal Trainer Group Sessions

Group courses that teach STROKE are a fun and effective way to learn and practice these core exercises. They also provide an opportunity to meet new people and share the experience of STROKE on their lives.

Key Strokes & Group Training

Keystrokes are calisthenic exercises for the core that involve moving the body in different directions and angles. They are designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. They are the foundational movements of the STROKE program and are often the focus of Group sessions

Keystrokes can be taught by personal trainers in groups of various sizes and levels. There are three different formats of group courses that teach keystrokes: memorization, strategy, and endurance.

Memorization training focuses on memorizing the performance of keystrokes. The trainer guides the group through a sequence of keystrokes that they have to repeat and remember. This helps the group to learn the names, positions, and transitions of the keystrokes.

Strategy training focuses on mastering the body mechanics of keystrokes for their specific uses. The trainer explains the benefits and purposes of each keystroke and how to apply them in different situations. This helps the group to understand the logic and reasoning behind the keystrokes.

Endurance training focuses on training to perform keystrokes for enduring periods of time. The trainer challenges the group to maintain the keystrokes for as long as possible and to increase the intensity and speed of the keystrokes. This helps the group to develop stamina, resilience, and confidence.

Customization is Key with STROKE PT Group Sessions

Each type of trainer teaches KEY STROKEs to groups in the three formats mentioned, with their unique background influencing their approach:

Pylo Agility Trainers use their expertise in dynamic movement to teach KEY STROKEs through: 

  • Memorization Training: They create engaging drills where the group practices a series of KEY STROKEs in a specific order, enhancing memory through repetition and rhythm. Their background in dance and gymnastics helps them choreograph sequences that are not only effective but also enjoyable to learn. 

  • Strategy Training: Drawing from parkour, they teach the functional application of KEY STROKEs, helping the group understand how each movement can be used in different scenarios, focusing on the body mechanics that make each KEY STROKE efficient for agility and quick transitions. 
  • Endurance Training: They challenge the group to maintain the intensity of KEY STROKEs over extended periods, often incorporating games or competitive elements from sports to keep the energy high and the group motivated. 

Strength Trainers leverage their knowledge of muscle development to guide groups in KEY STROKEs through:

  • Memorization Training: They emphasize the correct form and technique of each KEY STROKE, ensuring that the group commits these fundamentals to memory, which is crucial for safe and effective strength building. 
  • Strategy Training: With a background in disciplines like powerlifting, they focus on how KEY STROKEs can be strategically used to target specific muscle groups, teaching the group to understand the purpose behind each movement and its contribution to overall strength. 
  • Endurance Training: They incorporate KEY STROKEs into circuit training, where the group performs a high volume of repetitions, fostering muscular endurance and resilience, a method often seen in CrossFit routines. 

Cardio/Endurance Trainers apply their endurance sports experience to teach KEY STROKEs by:

  • Memorization Training: They use the rhythm and pace of cardiovascular exercises to help the group memorize KEY STROKEs, often setting a steady beat to follow, which aids in learning the sequence of movements. 
  • Strategy Training: They teach the group how to conserve energy and use KEY STROKEs efficiently for endurance, sharing techniques from endurance sports like cycling and swimming to maximize stamina.
  • Endurance Training: The focus is on sustaining the performance of KEY STROKEs over time, gradually increasing the duration of the workouts to build cardiovascular endurance, a common practice in endurance training. 
  • Reiki Trainers integrate their holistic and spiritual approach by:
  • Memorization Training: They encourage a mindful practice of KEY STROKEs, where the group learns the movements with an emphasis on the flow of energy throughout the body, promoting a deeper connection between mind and muscle. 
  • Strategy Training: They guide the group in understanding how the energy dynamics of KEY STROKEs can be applied to promote healing and balance within the body, using their knowledge of energy flow and chakra alignment. 
  • Endurance Training: Reiki trainers focus on maintaining a calm and steady pace during KEY STROKEs, teaching the group to endure through a sense of inner peace and sustained energy levels. 

Yoga Trainers bring their practice of balance and flexibility into the mix by:

  • Memorization Training: They help the group memorize KEY STROKEs through the lens of yoga flow, where each movement transitions smoothly into the next, reinforcing the sequence through fluid repetition. 
  • Strategy Training: Yoga trainers emphasize the alignment and body mechanics of KEY STROKEs, showing how each posture and movement can be optimized for both strength and flexibility, much like in a yoga practice. 
  • Endurance Training: They challenge the group to hold KEY STROKEs for longer stretches, similar to holding yoga poses, to build both muscular and mental endurance. 

Martial Arts Trainers use their combat training to instruct groups in KEY STROKEs by:

  • Memorization Training: They drill the group on sequences of KEY STROKEs with precision and discipline, often using martial arts katas as a framework for memorization. 
  • Strategy Training: They focus on the practical application of KEY STROKEs for self-defense and combat, teaching the group how to execute movements with strategic intent and awareness. 
  • Endurance Training: Martial arts trainers push the group to perform KEY STROKEs repetitively with intensity, mirroring the endurance required in martial arts sparring sessions. 

These are some of the group training options that certified STROKE PT trainers offer and how they can benefit you. If you are interested in joining our group training program, please contact us and we will match you with the best trainer for you.

Thank you for choosing to be your best self and allowing us to help you to acheive it. 

Contact us if you have questions or see our FAQ

+1 202-738-1956

"The STROKE program not only improved our physical connection but also deepened our emotional bond. My wife and I now communicate more openly and passionately."

Michael R.

"My wife and I both committed to training STROKE as a demonstration of love for eachother, its really helped us to prioritize our intimacy. It's reignited the spark in our marriage, and we're closer than ever."

Daniel M.

"STROKE isn't just about technique; it's about understanding your partner. My wife and I have reached a level of intimacy that's truly exceptional."

Robert C.