Embarking on this exciting starts with finding a new appreciation for fitness and a new reason to love working out all while discovering more about yourself, understanding your unique qualities, and seeing how they connect with specific techniques. You also dive into theory, improve your responses, and apply what you’ve learned in different situations. As you become really skilled, it’s not just about techniques but also about having the right mindset in all parts of life. You continue to add more advanced multipressure, multi-sensory, multi-position engaged tools into your warchest as your physique becomes ever stronger, more agile and responsive. The empowerment process is continuous and adapts as you grow, and change .

The whole journey, is guided by Certified Zenity Personal Trainers, is about growing, connecting, and finding satisfaction— it is secientific fact that all physical activity increases stamina, endurance, and performance however when it comes ot STROKEPT
each session, each repitition to benefit your relationship impacting your skill and performance 3x more than other pracitices.

Certified Zenity Personal Trainers

We offer a range of certified personal trainers from diverse backgrounds who can help you achieve your fitness and wellness goals while elevating your sensual abilities. Our trainers are experts in various practices that incorporate the core muscles, the spine and the circulation system that suuplement the STROKE system. Each session, set and repitition moves you closer to both your fitness goals and sensual self-mastery. Click the button for a chart detailing STROKE vs Conventional Fitness.

Trainer backgrounds and how they leverage their
training style to enhance STROKE PT sessions: 

These trainers have a grounding in a high-intensity training style that involves explosive movements, jumps, sprints and changes of direction. It improves your power, speed, agility, coordination and balance. It also strengthens your core muscles, especially the Psoas, which is responsible for hip flexion and stabilization. Our trainers who use pylo agility training have backgrounds in sports, dance, gymnastics and parkour. They use their foundatoin in  Pylo and agility training to designfun and challenging  STROKE workouts for you that will boost your performance and metabolism. 

These trainers have a grounding in resistance training that involves lifting weights, using machines, bands or bodyweight exercises. It increases your muscle mass, bone density, joint stability and posture. It also strengthens your lower lumbar and abdominal muscles, which support your spine and prevent back pain. Our trainers who use strength training have backgrounds in bodybuilding, powerlifting, calisthenics and CrossFit. They will customize a workout for you that will add Strength to your STROKE in a way that customizes to your unique goals.  
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These trainers have a grounding in a form of aerobic training that involves raising your heart rate, breathing and sweating. It improves your endurance, stamina, heart health and blood flow. It also enhances your oxygen delivery, nutrient transport and waste removal. Our trainers who use cardiovascular training have backgrounds in running, cycling, swimming and rowing. They can integrate endurance training into your routines in proven ways so that your STROKE workouts can benefit cardiovascular system and burn calories while sculpting your STROKE.

 These trainers have a grounding in a form of energy healing that involves placing hands on or near the body and channeling universal life force. It promotes relaxation, stress relief, healing and balance. It also harmonizes your chakras, which are energy centers in your body. Our trainers who use reiki have backgrounds in holistic medicine, spirituality and meditation. They can incorpórate these principles into sections of STROKE training adding additional skills into your arsenal. These energetically based STROKE PTs help you approach the practice and use of your STROKE to the metaphysical level allowing you to train your body whie calming your mind, body and spirit.

These trainers have a grounding in a form of physical, mental and spiritual practice that involves poses, breathing and meditation. It enhances your flexibility, mobility, strength and awareness. It also activates your core muscles, especially the Psoas, which is connected to your diaphragm and your emotions. Our trainers who use yoga have backgrounds in various styles, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Bikram and Ashtanga. They will use this grounding as they guide you through the STROKE program, implementing stretching sequences and poses into their unique STROKE teaching styles that will align your body, breath and mind as you uplevel your self mastery. 

These trainers have a grounding in a form of combat, self-defense and discipline that involves striking, grappling, blocking and dodging. It develops your confidence, courage, focus and respect. It also engages your core muscles, especially the abdominal muscles, which protect your vital organs and generate power. Our trainers who use martial arts have backgrounds in various disciplines, such as Boxing, Karate, Taekwondo, MMA and Muay Thai créate machines, , literally. Often they pull from their skills in polishing fighters to teach STROKE techniques and develop sensually applicable muscle memory that will make your STROKE reactions and responses accurate and poignant.

These are some of the practices that our trainers use to train STROKE with their clients and how they can benefit you. If you are interested in joining our personal training program, please contact us and we will match you with the best trainer for you.

Thank you for choosing to be your best self and allowing us to help you to acheive it. 

Click the button below to get started if you have immediate questions or see our FAQ

"The STROKE program not only improved our physical connection but also deepened our emotional bond. My wife and I now communicate more openly and passionately."

Michael R.

"My wife and I both committed to training STROKE as a demonstration of love for eachother, its really helped us to prioritize our intimacy. It's reignited the spark in our marriage, and we're closer than ever."

Daniel M.

"STROKE isn't just about technique; it's about understanding your partner. My wife and I have reached a level of intimacy that's truly exceptional."

Robert C.
Start Training with a STROKE PT today.

Phone: +1 202-738-1956